Jacob Korn


Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, Studio

After growing up with the sound of Trax, Djax-Up and German Acid+Rave (Harthouse, Junkfood etc) i owned a RE-303 25 years later that I sold since I thought something is missing after working with a couple of TB-303. But now Iam pretty satisfied with the sound of this little beast after a fistful essential modifications outlined in this gearslutz thread. Those were done first (thx Carl) and after that I needed some more (as usual). After some debugging (thanks again to maffez and nordcore!) the „stachelfish“ was born. Here is the 9 min complete walkthrough:…read more


EMU-EMULATOR II + refurbished and DEMO

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, rent studio, Studio

THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE… RENT GEAR HERE: [abc-bookingform] I had the chance to grab an all-time fav from an Emu collector 30 minutes away from home. The EMU EMULATOR TWO with an PLUS expansion (double tap 0 and ascess second bank). Beside the fact, that he got rid of one of his EII´s i was able to check out the sound of ALL of the EMULATORS (incl. Filters) at his home studio. I was very impressed by the sound of the Emulator I but i liked the versatility of the EII…read more

E-MU SP-12 turbo mod+repair

Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News

Got this iconic beat machine in town for a fair price. Battery needed a replacement and all of the 30 push buttons were cleaned with isopropanol. Fader 8 was flakey so i decided to replace all of them. Backlight was a bit dim, so i soldered a new one in place. After that i experimented with the ssm2044 chip and came up with an external control box for both of the filters. Tweakers heaven!!! Mods: 350€ + parts (knobs+housing) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) Cutoff 1,2 Reso…read more

Roland TR-808 mod/repair

Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News

Here is my final take on modification of 808´s. After building different clones the original is here – finally. I will perform this mods in the external breakout box with non destructive wiring, everything is reversible. Mod price incl. material is 808€ (plus CHD/Kenton MIDI Kit if preferred) Mods can be switched on/off to original state: BD Tune, BD Env1/2, SD OSC1 Pitch, SD Snappy Decay, Rim/Clave Pitch, Clap Reverb Vol, Hihat/Cym Metal/Pink Noise Switch, Metal Pitch (HH,CYM,COW)!! Check video for more! RENT GEAR HERE: [abc-bookingform] Complete Run-through here: After decades i…read more


Studer A820 serial control (Max/MSP, Ableton)

Posted by in mods & repairs, News

Studer A820 controlled by serial remote controller, resoldered 9pin cable (different studer pinout) to a usb-serial converter directly to Max/MSP (M4L) in Ableton Live. Now it reads the timer, but i will add some more functionality like biasing other audio parameters  as well:) its unbelievable how future proof the whole design in the mid 80´s already was!!! What drove me crazy (together with Deborah and Daniel as well, thx for your help my friends!) was that Studer did not really document their special pinout for the serial connector. more info…read more


Yocto TR-808 Clone A/B Comparison + Mods

Posted by in mods & repairs, News, Studio

Looking for a real 808 since ever and finally got it (and modified it as well:)) Here is the A/B comparison. L is the Original 808 and R is Yocto. Tempo 130 for setting up loops in your DAW. Enjoy. DOWNLOAD: TR-808L_YoctoR130bpm.wav Yocto Mods from the Forum: BD tune, SD OSC1 Tune, Clave/Rim1 Tune, CP Reverb, incl. On/Off switches for most of the mods (for original values). I built another clone using the XXLarge schematics back in the days. 50 mods. believe me…that´s the essentials that i build in my…read more

HOHNER drum performer – the german linn drum – 8ch output mod

Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, Studio

This lovely Linn drum/DMX/Drumtrak sounding drum machine with 24 sounds and a lot of interesting preset rhythms and fill/break variations. the programming is fantastic and uses a very lively feel (they call it a built-in humanizer function). I added an 8ch output multicore cable for arranging and mixing down those instrument groups in a more flexible way.