Jacob Korn

Jacob Korn EB Slices Tech Talk

Posted by in Education, mods & repairs, News, Studio, Videos

Jacob Korn takes Telekom Electronic Beats TV into his studio for a Tech Talk with a difference. Watch as Jacob demystifies the seemingly complex world of modifying synthesisers and drum machines. In addition, to Korn’s wisdom, you will also hear 2 demos of what a few modifications can do to your gear, be it Roland, Yamaha or any other brand. Check out www.jacobkorn.de/studio for more infos on mentioned projects!


Uncanny Valley Workshops at Musicplayground Dresden

Posted by in Education, News

Beim Music Playground in der Centrum Galerie Dresden konnten junge Leute in kurzen Workshops des Dresdener Labels „Uncanny Valley“ innerhalb von drei Tagen die Grundlagen der elektronischen Musik erlernen. Als Dozenten standen ihnen „Sneaker“ und „Jacob Korn“ beratend zur Seite. Die 6h von 14-20 Uhr waren in 4 thematische Blöcke á 1,5h eingeteilt, welche sich NICHT bedingen, aber auch nach einander an einem Tag von besonders Interessierten belegt werden konnten. Je nach Interesse oder Vorkenntnissen konnte man frei einsteigen. Die preiswerte Software BeatMaker (19euro Appstore) garantiert das problemlose Vertiefen der…read more


Music Production Workshop zum „DAVE“ Festival (Dresden)

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Electronic Live Stage Basteleien und Frickeleien in der elektronischen Musikproduktion können genauso soviel Spaß machen wie die Sounds & Beats, die letztlich aus den Boxen auf die Tanzfläche kommen. Doch das eine soll das andere nicht ausschließen. Erst die Arbeit, dann das Vergnügen. So könnte das Motto des Samstags im Alten Wettbüro lauten. Die Electronic Live Stage besteht deshalb aus zwei Teilen: aus Workshops & Tutorials einerseits, andererseits aus der Party mit zahlreichen Liveacts. Als besonderen Gast hat DAVE Dataline aus Göteburg eingeladen. Der gebürtige Istanbuler mit englischem Pass ist…read more

Watch lecture at CDR Berlin (45min) english

Posted by in Education, Press english, Press/Reviews

Jacob Korn is not only a producer and live artist. From time to time he also works as a teacher for kids who want to learn something about making electronic music and interactive performance. So it was only natural that he got an invitation to CDR Berlin in November 2012 to share his knowledge with some young and talented producers. CDR is a music platform for sharing and developing ideas and works in progress. The event took place at Berlin’s Prince Charles.


Workshop at Art On Wires Conference 2011 (Oslo)

Posted by in Education, News, Portfolio

Here we  are again. The young Art.On.Wires festival opens its doors for the second time. Like last year, we arrived in a very warm and wellcoming atmosphere here in Oslo. Not just because the sun is shining… Today the day starts with an introduction talk by Alexander Eichhorn, the founder of this festival. The day is reserved for talks and lectures. People introduce themself and their work in general or more specific, talk a little about the workshops they will give and answer some questions. Jacob Korn talks about his main…read more


Workshop at Future Everything Festival (The Factory, Manchester 2011)

Posted by in Education, News, Performances

We were invited to be part of the Future Everything 2011 conference in Manchester, during which we were asked to build something from scratch. The result of this 3 day Open Workshop is an interactive audioreactive instrument built on the basis of Switchboy, a visual-framework for realtime A/V-performances in large venues. By day we worked on this installation, by night we played an A/V-show in the famous venue The Factory (FAC251). Jacob Korn was in charge of the music, schnellebuntebilder provided the visuals. intolight.de jacobkorn.de schnellebuntebilder.de clubtransmediale.de/​projects/​icas-ecas.html   Related articles…read more


AC Presentation at CTM2011 – FESTIVAL AS LAB – SYMPOSIUM

Posted by in Education, News, Portfolio

Presentation of Automatic Clubbing at clubtransmediale 2011 Symposium // 04/02 › HAU 1 SCHEDULE 12:15 › Festival as Lab Toolkit (FALT) Presentation: Drew Hemment [UK] 13:15 › Festival as Lab Open Call Presentation of the Winning Project by Conrad Schneider (intolight) and  Adam Nieman. 14:15 › Automatic Clubbing Presentation: Thomas Dumke & Jacob Korn [DE] 16:15 › iTouch U: Haptic Festivals in the Abbreviation Age Presentation: Simon Vincent [UK/DE] 17:15 › Free Culture Incubator – A Decentral Resource Centre for Berlin Presentation: Ela Kagel [DE] 18:15 › Closing Discussion Drew…read more