Jacob Korn


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Besides his actual profession on the interface of audio, visual and dance Jacob Korn has also been producing electronic music for what seems like an eternity. Under his civil name, he is focussing predominantly on classic but versatile Techno and House. Please make sure to request a recent live-set of your preferred genre! CONTACT After releases on Labels such as Running Back, Cocoon, Dolly, Permanent Vacation and of course Uncanny Valley he now belongs to the spearheads of the German house scene with his tracks and remixes as well as…read more

Loose Lips „Machine Nuggets“ Interview + Video (E-75 mod)

Posted by in News, Press english, Press/Reviews, Studio

In October 2017 G and eorge Lazenbleep and Medallion Man headed to Dresden, for the Circuitcontrol festival, a week of hacking, soldering and live performance. In the first of a series of articles from the festival, we met up with Jacob Korn. I won’t talk about his recording career, as I’m much more interested in his work as an engineer. We met 4 years ago in Dresden, and I remember spending an evening together geeking out about an 808 kick drum circuit I built. We talked about his 909 at the time, and I…read more


Musikerportrait im ARTE Xenius Magazin

Posted by in News, Press/Reviews, Presse deutsch, Studio

Egal ob Musik auf Vinyl, Fotos per Sofortbildkamera oder Brettspiele: Analoge Produkte erleben gerade eine Renaissance. Woher kommt die plötzliche Sehnsucht nach dem Analogen und wo in unserer digitalisierten Gesellschaft hat es noch seinen Platz? Auch in der Musik ist der Analog-Trend angekommen, selbst in eher unerwarteten Genres: Der Dresdner Musiker Jacob Korn produziert seine Elektro-Musik fast ausschließlich mit analogen Synthesizern. Er schwört auf den unverwechselbaren Klang der jahrzehntealten Sammlerstücke und nimmt dafür auch die umständliche Handhabung in Kauf. xenius-JK-cut Land : Deutschland, Jahr : 2017, Herkunft : WDR

Studio Essentials for XLR8R

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The Uncanny Valley regular talks us through his favorite machines. The shaping and development of music taste will in most instances be an ongoing, infinite quest. After all, inspiration can strike at any time, in all variety of forms. It’s a sentiment that is even more true when it comes to actually making music. The spectrum of styles that have come out of Jacob Korn’s studio is testament to this: the German producer has dabbled in a bit of everything over the years. Earlier in his career, Korn pushed out…read more

Jacob Korn – EP1 got rated 4.5 of 5 at Resident Advisor

Posted by in News, Press english, Press/Reviews

You & Me, Jacob Korn’s 2012 debut album for Dresden’s Uncanny Valley, was a swirling, often serrated and always challenging take on deep house that succeeded through experimentation rather than falling back on the genre’s usual tropes. This wonderful EP, the first of two by Korn that the label will release in the coming months, picks up where that record left off, both in terms of its varied musical atmosphere and in its precipitously high quality.Its joyous guitar sample cavorting ove claps, elasticated drums and fluttering vocal fragments, “Eisladen” makes…read more


Juno Plus review of „EP-1“

Posted by in Press english, Press/Reviews

Between 2009 and 2012, Jacob Korn could do no wrong. The Dresden native started his recording career in fine style, delivering a 12” for Running Back – “I Like The Sun” – that blurred the boundaries between hypnotic deep house and hazy Balearica. Over the next three years, his productivity soared, with releases on Left of the Dial, Dolly and Permanent Vacation enhancing his reputation further. Yet it was through his association with hometown imprint Uncanny Valley that he really made waves. After contributing single tracks to their early split…read more

„EP-1“ Review by Mavrikproductions

Posted by in Press english, Press/Reviews

Claiming recent fame for the ingenuity and consistency of his live shows, Jacob Korn has released the first of 2 EP’s on Uncanny Valley with a freshly established status as a house and techno heavyweight. The latest release fronts a familiar 90’s house and techno impression, whilst featuring some novelty sounds that blend together in a quality output. First on the release is “Eisladen” which sets the standard high with a Highlife guitar sample that provides unsuspecting harmony to an artificial sounding record, a clever touch. As the layers build in, “Arzt im Praktikum” starts to…read more