Jacob Korn



Duration 10h for Mods: 600€ +Parts and postage (german clients +19%) Spring 2020 new full length video! Completely reverted the previous work. NOW it feels like my very own 909. Notice that signatures from Jeff Mills and Juan Atkins that i was lucky enough to meet during gigs. So the final list of modifications is almost endless since the great nava extra 9 project and Robin Whittle documented a lot of other stuff that i needed to try out. I was actually ok with it now to not being able to switch every…read more



Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, Studio

After growing up with the sound of Trax, Djax-Up and German Acid+Rave (Harthouse, Junkfood etc) i owned a RE-303 25 years later that I sold since I thought something is missing after working with a couple of TB-303. But now Iam pretty satisfied with the sound of this little beast after a fistful essential modifications outlined in this gearslutz thread. Those were done first (thx Carl) and after that I needed some more (as usual). After some debugging (thanks again to maffez and nordcore!) the „stachelfish“ was born. Here is the 9 min complete walkthrough:…read more


EMU-EMULATOR II + refurbished and DEMO

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, rent studio, Studio

THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE… RENT GEAR HERE: [abc-bookingform] I had the chance to grab an all-time fav from an Emu collector 30 minutes away from home. The EMU EMULATOR TWO with an PLUS expansion (double tap 0 and ascess second bank). Beside the fact, that he got rid of one of his EII´s i was able to check out the sound of ALL of the EMULATORS (incl. Filters) at his home studio. I was very impressed by the sound of the Emulator I but i liked the versatility of the EII…read more

E-MU SP-12 turbo mod+repair

Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News

Got this iconic beat machine in town for a fair price. Battery needed a replacement and all of the 30 push buttons were cleaned with isopropanol. Fader 8 was flakey so i decided to replace all of them. Backlight was a bit dim, so i soldered a new one in place. After that i experimented with the ssm2044 chip and came up with an external control box for both of the filters. Tweakers heaven!!! Mods: 350€ + parts (knobs+housing) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) Cutoff 1,2 Reso…read more

E-MU EMAX II repair+floppy emulator


I found this broken at a local shop and fixed some problems. First there was the powersupply broken and needed replacement (+15, -15, +5 Volt) Next up it was not possible to load the OS via the floppydrive (are all the included disks failed?) so i replaced it with a gotek+display+rotary. Now it works fine and got thousands of sounds on USB;)

Roland TR-808 mod/repair

Posted by in KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News

Here is my final take on modification of 808´s. After building different clones the original is here – finally. I will perform this mods in the external breakout box with non destructive wiring, everything is reversible. Mod price incl. material is 808€ (plus CHD/Kenton MIDI Kit if preferred) Mods can be switched on/off to original state: BD Tune, BD Env1/2, SD OSC1 Pitch, SD Snappy Decay, Rim/Clave Pitch, Clap Reverb Vol, Hihat/Cym Metal/Pink Noise Switch, Metal Pitch (HH,CYM,COW)!! Check video for more! RENT GEAR HERE: [abc-bookingform] Complete Run-through here: After decades i…read more