EMU-EMULATOR II + refurbished and DEMO
I had the chance to grab an all-time fav from an Emu collector 30 minutes away from home. The EMU EMULATOR TWO with an PLUS expansion (double tap 0 and ascess second bank).
Beside the fact, that he got rid of one of his EII´s i was able to check out the sound of ALL of the EMULATORS (incl. Filters) at his home studio. I was very impressed by the sound of the Emulator I but i liked the versatility of the EII better. The same goes for the EIII and the EMAX 1 and 2. He had them all (some of them twice).
I have to admit that the filter (2044) of my modified SP12 is still the sweetest i heard together with the dirty aliased resampling, but the EII is still one of a kind in terms of sound. Especially if you are able to dive into thousands of converted floppy files on the HXC.
So here is what i did. Removed both sticky front panel stickers and replaced by new manufactured ones that came with the instrument. Nice. Changed the Lotharek to a modified Gotek HXC with Oled and rotary. Main benefits: it saves the last recalled preset and the visibility is a lot better then the green display. Backlight foil was changed as well as the power inverter. That one still beeeeeps a lot so iam thinking of getting an external power supply for that instead of changing the whole PSU.
If there is somebody who has worked with that very machine or got more information, please get in touch with me!!! The seller mentioned he got the EII from somebody who got it from Berlins Hansa Studios. The bottom of the sampler shows different signatures (maybe Alan Wilder and some other studio musicians) and other fun stuff…
I saw some of your few demos. Nice!
Well, concerning the EII, I don’t thing that was the one from Alan as he has it at home and sold it around 2011. It wasn’t at Hansa. But one signature seems similar to his one. Who knows.
You can still contact me if you want.