Jacob Korn

Arturia Emulator II V vs Original – Video Comparison (with Sense Media)

Posted by in equipment, News, Studio

Here is a video comparison for my good friends of Sense Media (Electronic Beats). Enjoy: A while ago french company Arturia released its software emulation of the famous Emulator II Sampler by E-mu Systems, an iconic piece of hardware which has left a big mark in music history. The Emulator II was very popular in the 1980s and heavily used by the likes of Front 242, Depeche Mode, 808 State, New Order, ABC, Genesis, Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Herbie Hancock, Vangelis, Tangerine Dream, Jean-Michel Jarre, Yes, OMD and many many…read more


EMU-EMULATOR II + refurbished and DEMO

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, rent studio, Studio

THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE… RENT GEAR HERE: [abc-bookingform] I had the chance to grab an all-time fav from an Emu collector 30 minutes away from home. The EMU EMULATOR TWO with an PLUS expansion (double tap 0 and ascess second bank). Beside the fact, that he got rid of one of his EII´s i was able to check out the sound of ALL of the EMULATORS (incl. Filters) at his home studio. I was very impressed by the sound of the Emulator I but i liked the versatility of the EII…read more

Danelectro Spring King mod

Posted by in equipment, mods & repairs, Studio

The Danelectro Spring King is a small spring reverb, but there’s also a slapback delay in it, using a PT2399S chip. Thanks to some documentation on the internet I could easily mod the reverb to control the delay. The idea is to be able to get only the reverb signal if we want, and in a general way to take advantage of the delay by changing the Time and Feedback as we feel.Control Delay Time: Between PIN6 (VCO) and Ground, there’s a CMS resistor „362“ (3,6k). Once it’s taken off…read more

Pearl DRX-1 tune + decay mod triggered by TR-606 (poor man´s Syncussion)

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, Studio

Duration 6h for Mods: 350€ + parts (knobs+housing) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) Stereoping pointed out some interesting mods for this VCR-looking analog drum beast. Since I like the idea of saving kits i focussed on parameters like tune and decay for real-time control. Triggering those 5 voices by my modded TR-606 with multiple outputs. Great fun! RENT GEAR HERE: [abc-bookingform] Thx for the nice documentation! http://www.stereoping.com/pearl-drx-1-drumsynth/?lang=en The Pearl DRX-1 has 5 Instruments which can be triggered by drum pads. Of course, you can also feed some…read more


Roland Space Echo RE-200 Sound on Sound mod+restoration

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, Studio

Got this earlier version of the RE-201 in a very bad shape. After a lot of hours, it´s alive again. Replaced all pots and connections, recapped the power supply and adjusted the tape transport that caused a lot of issues. thx to Jacob Stoy who borrowed his RE-200 for troubleshooting. check out the „sound on sound“ mod! quite noisy but fun unit!!!           https://youtu.be/VJ9MP76cpNM


Roland TR-909 tune+decay mods, firmware upgrade

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, News, Studio

Duration 10h for Mods: 700€ + parts (knobs+housing) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) https://youtu.be/oc9i99rsAnA Spring 2020 new full length video! Completely reverted the previous work. NOW it feels like my very own 909. Notice that signatures from Jeff Mills and Juan Atkins that i was lucky enough to meet during gigs. So the final list of modifications is almost endless since the great nava extra 9 project and Robin Whittle documented a lot of other stuff that i needed to try out. I was actually ok with it…read more