Jacob Korn

Modded Roland TR-606 (aka poor man’s 808)

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, Studio

Duration 8h for Mods: 450€ + parts (knobs+housing) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) Here is a little drumbeat on the 606 to demonstrate the modifications done by discrete audio solutions and me last year. the sound of the polite machine is now ready to transform into the direction of TR-808 (BD, SD, HT) or even TR-909 (SD, LT, ). this is one of the most complicated mods i have done so far, since the PCB and housing of the TR-606 is very small and a lot…read more


Korg Poly 61 Mod and MIDI retrofit

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, Studio

A Short video demonstration of the modifications and the MIDI Interface. Duration 6h for Mods: 350€ + parts (knobs+CHD MIDI kit) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) Mods documented here: http://e-jo.de. more simple mods here: http://voiceofsaturn.blogspot.de/2008/11/for-everyone-with-korg-poly-61.html MIDI Kit here: http://www.chd-el.cz/index.php?id=464&lngid=en www.jacobkorn.de 2014


Jacob Korn – EP1 got rated 4.5 of 5 at Resident Advisor

Posted by in News, Press english, Press/Reviews

You & Me, Jacob Korn’s 2012 debut album for Dresden’s Uncanny Valley, was a swirling, often serrated and always challenging take on deep house that succeeded through experimentation rather than falling back on the genre’s usual tropes. This wonderful EP, the first of two by Korn that the label will release in the coming months, picks up where that record left off, both in terms of its varied musical atmosphere and in its precipitously high quality.Its joyous guitar sample cavorting ove claps, elasticated drums and fluttering vocal fragments, “Eisladen” makes…read more


Jacob Korn – EP1 (Uncanny Valley 24)

Posted by in Releases

A1: Jacob Korn – Eisladen A2: Jacob Korn – Arzt im Praktikum B1: Jacob Korn – Fahrt durch Tal (feat. Phillip Oertel) B2: Jacob Korn – Kokosnuss Available now on vinyl and digital! Get it here: uncannyvalleyrec.bandcamp.com/album/uv024-jacob-korn-ep1 UV024 / Jacob Korn – EP1 by Jacob Korn jacobkorn.de uncannyvalley.de Video: Jacob Korn     Related articles Review: Jacob Korn – EP1 Juno Plus teases Jacob Korn „EP1″


Roland TR-909 vs. Aira TR-8 shootout (HQ)

Posted by in equipment, Studio

Ok, this is the shootout of two Roland drum machines. The classic techno beast from 1984 the TR-909 and the 2014 new kid on the block with 909 and 808 sounds onboard the Aira TR-8. Both got their own sweet spots in sound. i tried tuning the TR-8 as close as possible to the pitch and sound shaping possibilities of the TR-909. The recording was done while MIDI slaving the TR-8 to the 909. I tweaked both machines live and overdubbed them on the fly to show that the elements…read more


VA – Uncanny Valley 20

Posted by in Releases

Part 2 sees the long awaited return of Jacob Korn whose “Der Don” is his first production for Uncanny Valley since his acclaimed album “You & Me” in 2012. With overlapping strings and thrilling beats it’s an epic dance floor banger and Jacob Korn at his best. Kornhead aka Jacob Korn and Cuthead throw together their preferences for pumping beats and jazzy samples which results in a laid back House track that actually wanted to be Hip- Hop jam. Dresden’s Götterkreis and Steve Kasper put their focus on percussions and…read more


Installation „Phonolight“ in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden (18.4.-12.10.2014)

Posted by in Cross Media, Installations, Presse deutsch

  Heute startet die Austellung „ANIMATION-DISC-O“ des Deutschen Instituts für Animationsfilm in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden mit „Phonolight“, einer interaktiven Installation von Deborah Schmidt und Jacob Korn. ANIMATION-DISC-O knüpft die Verbindung zwischen vorfilmischem Wunderrad und aktuellen Animationsfilmen, Musikvideos und Performances. Anhand der Arbeiten von fünf internationalen Künstlern zeigt die Ausstellung, wie mittels Farbe, Druck oder Collage Einzelbildfolgen auf Scheiben kreisförmig angeordnet werden. Durch das Drehen der Scheibe, beispielsweise auf einem Plattenspieler, entsteht die Illusion der bewegten Bilder. Abgefilmt und auf die große Kinoleinwand projiziert entfalten die Motive ihre graphische Sogwirkung….read more

