Roland TR-909 vs. Aira TR-8 shootout (HQ)

Posted by in equipment, Studio

Ok, this is the shootout of two Roland drum machines. The classic techno beast from 1984 the TR-909 and the 2014 new kid on the block with 909 and 808 sounds onboard the Aira TR-8.
Both got their own sweet spots in sound. i tried tuning the TR-8 as close as possible to the pitch and sound shaping possibilities of the TR-909.
The recording was done while MIDI slaving the TR-8 to the 909.
I tweaked both machines live and overdubbed them on the fly to show that the elements match together quite nicely.
Last minute is the same pattern running in parallel (made more sense before in stereo). Sorry for the ending…went out of memory:)

The pattern will be heard on my forthcoming record on Uncanny Valley in June 2014. The track is called „Eisladen“ 🙂

Hope you enjoyed the comparison. please leave comments!


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