MIX CD: FCL – In The House (Defected) features „Der Don“
MIX CD: FCL – In The House (Defected) features „Der Don“ https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/defected-presents-fcl-in-house/id956255047?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
MIX CD: FCL – In The House (Defected) features „Der Don“ https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/defected-presents-fcl-in-house/id956255047?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Katzelmacher von Rainer Werner Fassbinder | Erzählt von jungen Dresdnerinnen und Dresdnern | Regie, Video und Raum: Robert Lehniger | Premiere am 12. Dezember 2014 | Kleines Haus 3 Die Bürgerbühne des Staatsschauspiels 1969 verhilft „Katzelmacher“ dem Regisseur und Autor Rainer Werner Fassbinder zum Durchbruch. Der in schwarz-weiß und fast ausschließlich mit statischer Kamera gedrehte Film erzählt von einer Clique junger Menschen, die sich in der bedrückenden Enge der Münchner Vorstadt einrichten: Marie, die in einem Lebensmittelgeschäft arbeitet, glaubt an die große Liebe und ist mit Erich zusammen, der im…read more
Duration 5h for Mods: 350€ + parts (knobs+housing) + postage (No VAT (small business §19 (1) UStG)) This is a modified analog drum machine in a baby format. Now it features: BD decay SD decay SD snappy HH decay HH filter CY decay CY filter CP decay CP tune I will perform this mod for you! Please Contact me! Infos here (thanks george): http://haha-fresh.blogspot.de/2009/06/boss-dr-110-drum-voice-mods.html?m=1
Uncanny Valley and Permanent Vacation are joining forces for an Uncanny Vacation! There has always been a lively exchange between Dresden and Munich and both labels are known for releasing a wide variety of music so it was only natural to team up for a joint release. The record starts off with Permanent Vacation-regular and UK-veteran DMX Krew and his “Astro Logical” which is as sharp and crisp as Electro can go. The bass line strikes hard but he also squeezes some great melancholic synth lines out of his machines….read more
Beim Music Playground in der Centrum Galerie Dresden konnten junge Leute in kurzen Workshops des Dresdener Labels „Uncanny Valley“ innerhalb von drei Tagen die Grundlagen der elektronischen Musik erlernen. Als Dozenten standen ihnen „Sneaker“ und „Jacob Korn“ beratend zur Seite. Die 6h von 14-20 Uhr waren in 4 thematische Blöcke á 1,5h eingeteilt, welche sich NICHT bedingen, aber auch nach einander an einem Tag von besonders Interessierten belegt werden konnten. Je nach Interesse oder Vorkenntnissen konnte man frei einsteigen. Die preiswerte Software BeatMaker (19euro Appstore) garantiert das problemlose Vertiefen der…read more
Being involved in the development of the Zaquencer Firmware in the final stage, he now added it to his arsenal for creating his unique sound: “I already use mostly hardware synths and sequencers, but the Zaquencer still brings something to the table. It´s as fun and intuitive as an oldschool analog sequencer, but it goes much deeper with possibilities if you want it to.” ZAQ audio: https://zaqaudio.com/testimonial
Another new face for shtum but certainly not for all the Techno aficionados out there: Jacob Korn makes his debut on Uncanny Valley’s sub label to celebrate his old but not forgotten love for dark and bleepy Techno. The tracks’ origins date back to the 1990s when Jacob used to work with a MS-DOS based software sequencer called FastTracker. Imagine programming beats with Excel and look at the graphic interface on the A-side label of the record to get an idea of the workflow back then.Nevertheless, the tracks did not…read more