Jacob Korn

Roland Juno6 – Chorus Input mod midified refurbished

Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, Studio

Probably the fattest mono to stereo 2 BBD delay line chorus on the planet. Iam using it on every single record or remix to stereo spread elements with some character (and noise). You need to replace the long Jumper j10 on the Chorus Board with a jack socket that acts as a Switch (green and red cable). when its unplugged you have the original Jumper wirering from OSC and when you plug in your Mono Source its been sent to the Chorus Board. Dont forget the ground wire(black). Easy. Took…read more

Video-Feature from „Slices“ 01-12 is online

Posted by in equipment, mods & repairs, News, Press english, Press/Reviews, Presse deutsch, rent studio, Studio

„Dresden has quite a lot going thru it in terms of electronic music. In particular its the label Uncanny Valley that really sticks out from the pack. One of their most notable producers is the multi-media-artist Jacob Korn…“ Thx to the slices team for the nice interview. More Slices features: www.electronicbeats.net/tv/slices  



Posted by in equipment, KORN HARDCORE CUSTOMS, mods & repairs, Studio

My first ever synth and also the first to be touched with the soldering iron:) Used the Moog slayer mod with filter FM and also came up with an input to the juicy chorus effect. Legowelt himself described a modification to the joystick where you remove a spring and use the vibrato/filter LFO without holding it all the time…its a nice one too!! http://synthmod.net/korg/moog_slayer/ http://www.strellis.com/poly800.shtml

Equipment list (2014)

Posted by in equipment

Synths, Sampler, Drummachines Akai professional: MPC1000 (JJ OS3) Alesis: HR-16(mod,own ROM) Clavia: Nord Micro Modular Doepfer: modular modules Elektor: Formant modular system Fender: Rhodes MK1 73 + Jazz Chorus50, Chroma Polaris (ARP synth) Korg: polysix (mod), poly 61(mod), poly 800(mod), exM1r Kurzweil: K2000rack Roland: Tr-808 (diy clone, mod), Tr-909 (mod), Tr-606(mod), Tr-505(mod), Juno 6(mod), Alpha Juno, JX3p(organix midi), JD800 Sequential Circuits: Sixtrak Weltmeister: Claviset (GDR E-piano) Yamaha: DX7 (512 patches) All synths are Midi-parameter mapped with a BCR2000 and Max/MSP patch Effects Boss: CE-1 Guitar pedals (valve caster,phase 90clones…) Haible: Variable…read more
