Jacob Korn

Workshop at Future Everything Festival (The Factory, Manchester 2011)

Posted by in Education, News, Performances

We were invited to be part of the Future Everything 2011 conference in Manchester, during which we were asked to build something from scratch. The result of this 3 day Open Workshop is an interactive audioreactive instrument built on the basis of Switchboy, a visual-framework for realtime A/V-performances in large venues. By day we worked on this installation, by night we played an A/V-show in the famous venue The Factory (FAC251). Jacob Korn was in charge of the music, schnellebuntebilder provided the visuals. intolight.de jacobkorn.de schnellebuntebilder.de clubtransmediale.de/​projects/​icas-ecas.html   Related articles…read more


Uncanny Heroes – Video

Posted by in Cross Media, Installations, News, Performances, Portfolio

UNCANNY HEROES is an interactive dancefloor installation, which masterly connects club visitors, dance music and surrounding 3D graphics. It is a highly participative mix between a music live act and gaming environment. With their body movements, visitors play on the installation like on a harmonic and cooperative instrument. Visual and musical moods on the dancefloor are created in a dialog among them and the performer. UNCANNY HEROES was developed by intolight, Jacob Korn and members of the VG Laterne collective during a one week workshop. Thanks go to Trans-Media-Akademie, F….read more


Body-Music-Plateaus at Denkfabrik Sachsen (Dresden 2010)

Posted by in Installations, News, Performances, Portfolio

Interactive dance-performance and public multiuser installation. Visitors are able to interact with the visuals and the Sound-environment by their fullbody movement (via a camera motion sensing system). Software-Engineering: Frieder Weiss, Jacob Korn, Matthias Härtig. Visual processing: Kalypso (Frieder Weiß) Music and sound-environment: Jacob Korn Visual environment: Matthias Härtig Dance: Simone Modell A production of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau 2010. http://t-m-a.de/ https://jacobkorn.de http://frieder-weiss.de Denkfabrik Sachsen 2010 deutsche Version: Besucher konnten zur Denkfabrik Sachsen am 1.3.2010 über ein Camera-Motion-Sensing-System in Echt-Zeit mit virtuellen Bild- und Klangprozessen interagieren. Durch ihre Aktivitäten hindurch spielen sie…read more


Cross Media Production: Interactive Performances (2007-2009)

Posted by in Performances, Portfolio

Interactive Danceperformance „body_bytes“ at 3. Dresdner Zukunftsforum (2008) Tanzperformance „body_bytes“ der Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau geziegt auf dem 3. Dresdner Zukunftsforum 2008 veranstaltet von T-Systems Multimedia Solutions. Credits: Dancer: Maggie Nicolai, Emely Fernandez Sounddesign and Music: Jacob Korn Visual Design: Matthias Härtig Software-Engineering: Jacob Korn, Matthias Härtig, Frieder Weiß Tracking System: Kalypso (www.hypecycle.de), Granular Sound-Environment (Max/MSP) Jacob Korn Live-AV at Automatic Clubbing (CYNETart Festival 2009 Dresden) Jacob Korn is an artist in residence at the Trans-Media-Lab (TMA) in Hellerau, working on the connection of interactive participation offers in the context of electronic dance…read more


IDA – Interactive Dancefloor Application – Cynetart Festival (Dresden 2008)

Posted by in Installations, News, Performances, Portfolio

IDA German version – english version below. Als Resident des Trans-Media-Labors in Hellerau setzt sich Jacob Korn mit der Verknüpfung von interaktiven Beteiligungsangeboten im Kontext elektronischer Tanzmusik auseinander. Die Suche nach einer optimalen Form von virtuellen Umgebungen, die den typischen Musiker-Publikum-Dialog während einer Party um ein drittes Element erweitert, prägt den Ansatz des audiovisuellen Konzertes. Die Bewegungen auf der Tanzfläche werden mithilfe eines Motion-Sensing-Systems in das Live-Set aufgenommen und mittels visueller Objekte als eine quasi automatisierte dialogische Form in die Präsentation von elektronischer Tanzmusik eingebracht. Der Inhalt der audiovisuellen Live-Performance…read more

