Jacob Korn

„Analogue“ feature for „The Vinyl Factory“

Posted by in News, Studio, Videos

Presenting the next episode in our short film series Analogue, a profile of the musicians whose love affair with analogue sound has come to define the way they work. Growing up in Dresden in the ’80s and ’90s with an ear for Kraftwerk and early techno, it’s no surprise Jacob Korn developed something of an obsession with synths. Whether taking apart his own gear, or modding others to extract new sounds, he is a producer who takes a hands-on approach to making music, revelling in the systems and simplicities of…read more


Jacob Korn EB Slices Tech Talk

Posted by in Education, mods & repairs, News, Studio, Videos

Jacob Korn takes Telekom Electronic Beats TV into his studio for a Tech Talk with a difference. Watch as Jacob demystifies the seemingly complex world of modifying synthesisers and drum machines. In addition, to Korn’s wisdom, you will also hear 2 demos of what a few modifications can do to your gear, be it Roland, Yamaha or any other brand. Check out www.jacobkorn.de/studio for more infos on mentioned projects!


videos and documentations

Posted by in Videos

Here you can find some videos and videodocumentations of projects i did on my own or with helping hands of excellent people like: www.frieder-weiss.de www.t-m-a.de www.intolight.de