Jacob Korn

Watch lecture at CDR Berlin (45min) english

Posted by in Education, Press english, Press/Reviews

Jacob Korn is not only a producer and live artist. From time to time he also works as a teacher for kids who want to learn something about making electronic music and interactive performance. So it was only natural that he got an invitation to CDR Berlin in November 2012 to share his knowledge with some young and talented producers. CDR is a music platform for sharing and developing ideas and works in progress. The event took place at Berlin’s Prince Charles.


Hot Coins – Geek Emotions (Jacob Korn Remix) || Sonar Kollektiv (2012)

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Hot Coins ‎– Geek Emotions (Jacob Korn Remix) || Sonar Kollektiv ‎– SK249 Vinyl, 12″, EP Country: Germany Released: 09 Nov 2012 Review: Daniel Berman aka Red Rack’em und Hot Coins hat sein Album endlich fertig, und die erste Auskopplung ist mit dem Funkmonster “Geek Emotions” wirklich eine Überraschung. Vocals von City Haze, komplette Bandbesetzung, ein Popmoment der detroitigen Art, aber dennoch auf seine Weise völlig eigen. Eine Phantasie einer Funkband, die auf einem Planeten dahintreibt, der unfassbar bleibt, aber dennoch eine gewisse Direktheit hat, die Berman mit einem ganz…read more


You & Me reviewed in Groove Magazine

Posted by in Press/Reviews, Presse deutsch

Anlässlich von Jacob Korns Debütalbum „You & Me“ singt Burkhard Welz das Hohelied auf den neuen Kooperationsgedanken, den er bei Labelkollektiven wie Uncanny Valley ausmacht: „Die angestammten Egoismen derBranche […] machen in diesen Zeiten keinen Sinn mehr.“ Das komplette Review findet ihr hier: http://www.groove.de/2012/09/17/jacob-korn-you-and-me-album-review/


Interview for Teshno.com

Posted by in News, Press english, Press/Reviews

last week jacob korn was the first of dresden’s uncanny valley crew to release a full length album. you & me is a wholly non-standard house record, with varying moods from deep and dark to bright and industrial. no doubt in park to thank for it being such an undulating ride is that fact each track was made with a collaborator, from chris rau to cuthead via san soda and many more. korn’s fingerprints are still all over it, though the gauzy house aesthetics he’s honed on labels like running back, dolly…read more


Jacob Korn – You&Me (Album) || Uncanny Valley (2012)

Posted by in Releases

Jacob Korn – You&Me (Album) || Uncanny Valley (2012) 2 × Vinyl, 12″, 33 ⅓ RPM, Album CD, MP3 Country: Germany Released: 03 Sep 2012   You & Me by Jacob Korn Review: If Workshop, Smallville and Dial are the wise, safe old hands of deep house, then Dresden’s Uncanny Valley are here to fuck shit up with some post punk attitude and sonic scuzz. At the heart of the label since day dot has been Jacob Korn, someone who has shied away from the genre’s usual trappings and instead favours a…read more

Marbert Rocel – Small Hours || Compost Black 88 (2012)

Posted by in News, Releases

Marbert Rocel – Small Hours (Jacob Korn Remix) || Compost Black Label 88 12″ Vinyl Germany, 2012 Review: Deep house in all his variety, from being airy, fluffy, substantial, pushy or cracking to the elegance of indie pop, all in here: bodacious and groovy remixes by Daniel Stefanik, Osunlade, Jacob Korn or Klinke Auf Cinch. Marbert Rocel, the East German indie pop’n’jazz sensation and live band just brought their third album “Small Hours” to life, capturing a deep sense for beats, smoking, songs, indie pop trips including leftfield house- and jazzy affairs. As Groove magazine wrote…read more

