Jacob Korn – I like the sun – RUNNING BACK 17 (2009)
Jacob Korn – I like the sun – RUNNING BACK 17 (2009)
New kid on the block Jacob Korn (Dresden, Germany y’all!) convinced sometime somewhere in Toronto with a hearty live set that took a route over hip hop, down tempo house and all kinds of funkiness until it peaked with the disco-house-craze “I Like The Sun (But not on LEDs)“. Much to the delight of a present Running Back A&R. Hands were shook and it took only 2 and a half years until the test pressing arrived. Supplemented with the slow burning “Selene” that really gets you the second time around, prevents the typical mistakes current deep house likes to make (at least, we think so) and is the sun god’s sister, the A-side is good to go. Flip the script to see Prins Thomas in a good temper, rolling out the red carpet with one of his tried and tested remixes. “I Like The Sun” piles up to 13 minutes of true Diskomiks glory including drums that go on forever (bonus beats, y’all!) and some eye-cue-markers for those of you who are deaf already. Well, swell!
Giles Smith (secretsundaze): “Cool stuff as usual from RB. Like „Selene“ the most here.”
Jimpster (Freerange): “Running Back hits the jackpot once again with this beautifully conceived EP full of warm deepness. The original mixes are the ones for me. great stuff!”
Karotte (CocoonGreat Stuff): “yes. i like the sun is great but the bomb is selene. love it!!!”
Sascha Funke (Bpitch Control): “best tune at the moment. the long side is a real disco trip.”
Woody: “top label! last ep (RB016) still in rotation;) i have 2 check this 12″ again…i think selene is the track 4 me so far…will try out!
Review of „Resident Advisor“:
Although the strike rate tallies to one out of three, this release by no means signals a drying of the Running Back run; rather another facet in its intriguing discography.
Review of „Little White Earbuds“
Gerd Janson first heard Jacob Korn’s “I Like The Sun (But Not On LCDs)” almost two and a half years back at a Red Bull Music Academy gig in Toronto. Not that you would know it, as the three tracks on the latest Running Back still sound box fresh and, in fashion-editorial speak, “on trend.” What that says about how far ahead of the curve Running Back are, or how retroactive house music is these days, or even how laborious the process of signing, pressing and promoting a track is, are matters best discussed elsewhere. What matters here (this is a review, right?), is that eventually the music got released, and it’s really rather good.
The pleasingly naivety of the child (apparently Prins Thomas’ son)’s crayon drawing that is the cover matches the wide-eyed and innocent tone of the “I Like The Sun.” A lilting, punch drunk nu-disco groover made with dub-house aesthetics, the hiss and echo only serving to further highlight the euphoric, chiming riff. Thomas’ “Diskomiks” version takes the Kosmiche route, spreading Can’s “Sunday Jam” over 11 minutes of toasty, buttery rolling drums. Mm, tasty. But as with so many Running Back releases, it’s the inside cut, named after the Titan goddess of the moon, that eclipses the title track. “Selene” is initially shy, with nervous handclaps temporarily hiding charms. A cut-up wordless vocal that conjures the ecstatic feel of Pépé Bradock’s best work (or indeed the most recent Floating Points) drops “Selene”’s guard, however, and swirling, endlessly delayed chords extravagantly display like a peacock courting a peahen. It may have taken a while, but actually the timing of this release is impeccable. The versatile tracks perfect for the dying rays of summer. As the carving on the inside of the vinyl says “Sol lucet omnibus”; for those not versed in Latin “the sun shines for everyone.”
Jacob Korn „Selene“ @ „XLR8R podcast: motor-city-drum-ensemble“:
download mix:
Jacob Korn „I like the Sun (Prins Thomas Diskomiks)“ @ „Offtrack-Radio“:
download mix:
Jacob Korn „I like the Sun“ @ „Beats In Space-Radio“:
download mix:
Jacob Korn „I like the Sun“ @ „De:Bug“ October Charts: