Jacob Korn

Motion Meets Music at SIGGRAPH Los Angeles

Posted by in Education, Installations, News, Portfolio

The installation „Motion Meets Music“ will be presented at this years SIGGRAPH conference (http://www.siggraph.org/s2010). „Organic Motion“ the manufacturer of markerless Motioncapturing systems invited Marko Ritter (www.intolight.de) and me to present our interactive audiovisual installation we produced together with the „Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden“ Jacob Korn (sound.programming) Marko Ritter / Intolight (vvvv.programming) Thomas Neumann (Motion Capturing Lab) „Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft“ Dresden intolight.de jacobkorn.de htw-dresden.de organicmotion.com The conference presents emerging technologies and other interesting topics:    


RBMA Daily News: Tough We Like – Mano Le Tough new mix and 12″ for streaming

Posted by in News, Press english

Mano Le Tough’s new 12”, Baby Let’s Love / Started Running, is out on Dirt Crew, featuring some Academy love by way of a Jacob Korn remix! Stream, plus a brand new Train Wreck Mix after the jump. The full EP, containing additional reworks from Iron Curtis and Filipsson & Ulysses is available here. Jacob Korn’s remix is also featured in this mix of deep house, nu-disco and twisted techno for RBMA Radio. BONUS: Stream: Mano Le Tough – Oblique Streaming of the mix and the Remix here: http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/daily-news/post/23/0/1628


Remix for Mano Le Tough out now on Dirt Crew

Posted by in News, Press english

Mano Le Tough – Baby, Let´s Love – (Jacob Korn Remix) OUT NOW ON VINYL AND DIGITAL ! Ready for the next hit of Dirt Crew goodnes, our fellow Berliner Mano Le Tough presents his great mix of Disco and House. With his earlier release on „Mirau“ and most recently on the brilliant label „Internasjionel“ he proved to be a hot newcomer in the scene. Here on Dirt Crew heʼs ready to top that with two great original tracks and three stunning remixes from Jacob Korn (Permanent Vacation, Dolly), Iron…read more

Kolumne/Foto-Lovestory: „Diary of a Super Star“ @ Banq.de

Posted by in News, Press/Reviews, Presse deutsch

Jacob Korn. Er ist der Raul Balkpenner unter den House-Honks, der weiße Jacko, Madonna in Männlich und A Laughing Legend. Jedes Kind kennt seine knorken Kracher, denn er ist der Macher, der Meister und der Musikatenminister im Party-Parlament! Seine Portraits schmücken die Cover jedes Klatschblattes und seine Tracks die TopTen aller Dance-Charts. Er tourt durch die Kontinente wie ein Bettelmönch durch Bejing, denn seine Mission ist schlicht aber schön: Die Bekehrung zur Dresdner Deepness. So weltbekannt und allgegenwärtig diese schillernde Figur ist, so verborgen und geheimnisvoll ist jedoch seine wahre…read more


Art on wires (Oslo 2010)

Posted by in Cross Media, Education, News, Portfolio

We gave a workshop for creating interactive environments at „art on wires conference“ in olso (http://art-on-wires.org). http://art-on-wires.org/workshops/interactive-environments-music-track During the workshop we developed a small example of an interactive dancefloor and its uses in collaboration with the TMA and Intolight. It was being a suggestive audioreactive visualisation of the crowd at night and a playful audiovisual instrument for up to 4 persons at day. We used eyecon.palindrome.de by Frieder Weiss, vvvv.org and ableton.com/live-8 VVVV – Marko Ritter (http://www.intolight.de), Valerie Vogt (http://veevee.de) Dance – Johanna Roggan (http://www.moveonit.net) Tracking/Sound – Jacob Korn And here is just…read more


motion(capturing) meets music

Posted by in Cross Media, Installations, News, Portfolio

Motion meets music is an experimental setup of an interactive installation to generate and control complex sounds and generative graphic in realtime with the entire body. The dancer’s movements are captured by a markerless motion capturing system and trigger sounds and graphics in different ways. Enjoy. This installation was presented at „open house“ in the „Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft“ in Dresden on 30.03.2010. Jacob Korn (sound.programming) Marko Ritter / Intolight (vvvv.programming) Thomas Neumann (Motion Capturing Lab) „Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft“ Dresden Pavlina Trnka (dance) Andrea Végh (film.cut) Robert…read more


Body-Music-Plateaus at Denkfabrik Sachsen (Dresden 2010)

Posted by in Installations, News, Performances, Portfolio

Interactive dance-performance and public multiuser installation. Visitors are able to interact with the visuals and the Sound-environment by their fullbody movement (via a camera motion sensing system). Software-Engineering: Frieder Weiss, Jacob Korn, Matthias Härtig. Visual processing: Kalypso (Frieder Weiß) Music and sound-environment: Jacob Korn Visual environment: Matthias Härtig Dance: Simone Modell A production of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau 2010. http://t-m-a.de/ https://jacobkorn.de http://frieder-weiss.de Denkfabrik Sachsen 2010 deutsche Version: Besucher konnten zur Denkfabrik Sachsen am 1.3.2010 über ein Camera-Motion-Sensing-System in Echt-Zeit mit virtuellen Bild- und Klangprozessen interagieren. Durch ihre Aktivitäten hindurch spielen sie…read more

