Jacob Korn

„Uncanny Valley 002“ Kritik im „Groove“-Magazin

Posted by in News, Press/Reviews, Presse deutsch

Mit ihrem Label-Debüt legte die Uncanny-Valley-Bande die Messlatte hoch und bewies zugleich: Da geht was an der Elbe. Dass da noch mehr geht, zeigen die vier neuen Tracks von Cuthead, Credit 00, C-Beams und Jacob Korn. Letzterer schickt mit „Dance Away“ und den Vocals von Kelli Hand eine funky Hommage an die House-Heads von Detroit und Dresden ins Rennen. Im Anschluss daran sollte Cuthead dank der warmen Akkorde und schmachtvollen Soul-Vocals in „The Sinner“ in den kommenden kalten Monaten jede Tanzfläche zum Schmelzen bringen. Wesentlich ruhiger lassen es da C-Beams…read more

Uncanny Valley 002 out now

Posted by in News, Press english, Press/Reviews

New 12″ Various Artists – Uncanny Valley 002 Uncanny Valley entered the secene with a bang… and here they continue with an even bigger release! Jacob Korn ft Kelli Hand delivers a massive track… seriously!! C-beams (a collab between Break SL and Sandrow M), Credit 00 and Cuthead might not ring a bell… but they all come up with surprising and solid tracks that stand out! True quality house music from Dresden’s Uncanney Valley scene! Recommended. Der Sommer, in dem das Dresdner Label Uncanny Valley mit dem ersten Release auf…read more

Sundaysun/Sand Review auf „Keep it deep“

Posted by in News, Presse deutsch

Was Jacob Korn mit seiner ersten 12″, die er unter seinem Klarnamen veröffentlicht hat („I Like The Sun„, erschienen auf Running Back), angedeutet hat, vermochte er seit dieser Zeit mit jedem weiteren Track, der seine Handschrift trug, zu bestätigen: dass in ihm ein unheimlich grosses künstlerisches Kreativpotenzial steckt. Denn sobald er es abruft, bringt er herausragende elektronische (Club-)Musik von bleibendem Bestand und Wert hervor. Seit „I Like The Sun“ gelingt es ihm, mit jeder Folgeveröffentlichung zu überraschen und die Erwartungen, welche die (DJ-, Medien- und Musikliebhaber-)Öffentlichkeit inzwischen an ihn stellt, überzuerfüllen….read more

CYNETART 2010 – 14th International festival for computer-based art

Posted by in Cross Media, News

Saturday, 13th November 2010 | Automatic Clubbing Night II – Uncanny Valley Label Showcase with Uncanny Heroes (Interactive Performance-Installation) The audience can change interactive music from Uncanny Valley artists and visuals by local graphic designers. This work is presented by Jacob Korn and intolight and was created in a one week workshop. CYNETART 2010 Videoteaser #1+2# from Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau on Vimeo. CYNETART is an international festival for computer-aided art in Dresden. The festival has been the focal point of the research at Trans-Media-Akademie (TMA) Hellerau for 14 years now. This…read more


„Sundaysun/Sand“ Review on Juno

Posted by in News, Press english

Jacob Korn again brings the fruits of his audio-visual experiments to bear on Panorama Bar Steffi’s label. Korn, who is an artist in residence at Dresden’s Transmedia Lab, focuses his work there on the interaction between the audience and the performer, and as “Sundaysun” shows, the results are characterised by contrasts. This is especially audible on the title track, where heavy, raw beats provide the backing for airy, floaty melodies and epic string sequences. The unpredictable nature of the interaction means that midway through, “Sundaysun” morphs into an acid-heavy workout,…read more

Sundaysun/Sand-Review on RA

Posted by in News, Press english

I must admit I didn’t really get Jacob Korn at first. His debut 12-inch on Running Back, for instance, bore grizzly beats and melodies that seemed haphazardly slapdash given their prominence. What I failed to realise at the time was that Korn was peddling music from a new scale that brought with it a new kind of funk. His palette of tunes and timbre is markedly his own and that’s why he’s interesting. None find him more so than Panorama Bar’s Steffi, whose Dolly imprint has devoted two of its…read more

Mano Le Tough – „Baby, Let’s Love“ Review on Little White Earbuds

Posted by in News, Press english, Press/Reviews

[Dirt Crew Recordings] (buy vinyl) (buy mp3s) Irishman Niall Mannion has charted a rapid ascension under his Mano Le Tough moniker, immediately impressing with his lovingly concocted blend of house, disco and techno on labels like District of Corruption, Mirau and Internasjonal. Adding Dirt Crew Recordings to that list with his Baby, Let’s Love 12 inch, Mannion furthers his reputation with mixes that cover the deep and techier ends of the house spectrum. Heading over to the Marvin Gaye collection for sample inspiration is a depressingly familiar trend for house producers,…read more
